Mahendra Singh Dhoni is one of most popular Crickteter and Captain of Indian team. Without a question, ‘Captain Cool’ is one of the greatest captains in the sport’s history. He led India to victory for more than a decade. He born in a humble family in Ranchi became one of the best Crickteter in the world. Here are top 7 lessons from MS Dhoni :
1. Get out of Comfort zone: Dhoni could have settled for a government job if he wanted a comfortable life, as it paid well and had a job security for life. But soon realised his passion for cricket, took risk and decided to follow his passion.
“If you really want to achieve something extraordinary, don’t get trapped by your comfort zone”.
2. Stay Calm in the Storm: Dhoni is called as Captain Cool as he keeps calm even in nail baiting matches and take very good decisions. In 2011 World Cup Final match, he promoted himself up the order as he was confident of facing opponent bowler Muttiah Muralidharan. He then went on to score 91 not out that day. He clearly knows his strengths and stays calm in the Storm.
3. Believe in Yourself: Self-belief is an important character everyone has to poses if we want to succeed in our life. MS Dhoni’s life is a perfect example of believing in yourself even at harder times. His parents did not accepted when he wants to resign for his job and focus on cricket but he believed in himself to make his passion come true. Many times in cricket also took batting early in hard times and won matches for team.
4. Accept Failures: Though he was the best cricketer in school, when Dhoni didn’t make the Under 19 team, he threw a party. Why? He realised he would have to work even harder to achieve his goal and being depressed wouldn’t help anyone. He scored 22 runs in his first 4 international innings but he accepted his failures and worked hard to become great batsman.
"When something doesn’t work out your way, don’t let it get you down. Instead, understand what went wrong and learn from it".
5. Keep balance in Life and Work: When Dhoni is not on the practice field or on the cricket ground. He can be found playing around with his daughter and his three dogs at his Ranchi farmhouse. He loves to ride bikes and collect supercars. He has also been supporting the Indian Army on various occasions. Apart from cricket Dhoni also loves to play football. He loves to spend time with his family and friends. These hobbies always help him to keep a balance and live life more.
6. Never Stop Learning: In school Dhoni wanted to play football but he was pushed into cricktet, but he never stopped learning. He studied the game closely and imporoved himself in every aspect of it. He always practice more in nets that made him one of the greatest wicket keeper and also batsman.
7. Never forget your roots: Dhoni’s relationship with his friends stayed the same even after becoming a great Crickter. He knew his roots and how he struggled to reach to this feat in his life and that is why he respected the fame and the stardom which he got through cricket which was only possible because of his friends who taught him various shots like helicopter shot.
A kid who loved to play football, A boy who dreamt to represent his country, A long haired ticket collector who didn't give up even after changing his profession, A player who scored 22 runs in his first four international innings. But at the end, he ended up as a greatest finisher in cricket history and the only captain to win all three ICC Trophies.